Top 3 Communities for Indie Game Developers

Top 3 Communities for Indie Game Developers

Looking to make friends? This article will act as a comprehensive list of online groups to join in order to expand your network and meet more game makers like you!


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While many companies utilize slack to keep their employees organized and connected (like us!) Slack can also be used to join and create various communities. For indie developers looking to learn more from their peers,, is the place to be. With slack you can start networking immediately into channels and send those in the group a direct message to create stronger connections.


The Complete Guide To Facebook Groups

Another fantastic place to meet creators online is through Facebook groups. There are groups for specific interests, as well as broader topics, and of course there are groups created for Indie Developers. These are a few of the communities we reccomend joining:

Indie Game Developers – A public group that has a few subset groups including:

  • Indie Game Promos – A place to post promos and teasers of your game as well as interact with others work.
  • Indie Game Chat – a casual place to talk to game developers about their game to interact and make friends.
  • Game Industry Talent – this is a group to not only self-advertise, but find other talented creators in the community who you could use to create your game.
  • GameDev Assets & Tools – this is a fantastic space to find tools and assets other game developers are using that may help you create your game.


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If you’re looking to join a fantastic community look no further than our very own Beamable discord! Join here to connect with us and the developers behind some of our games. Looking for more resources? Have some to add to our list? Tweet us @Beamable and let us know how we can help you!

For more content check out Josh and Erin’s Podcast Episode (#22) where they talk about some of their favorite Indie Games they’ve been playing.